Past Events
Friday September 28Maintenance as Commons, Futurefarmers 10:00 +
Futuring Frequencies, Futurefarmers + Growlab 16:00
Celebration and Feast, Rebecca Hawkes/Wilder Kitchen 17:00
Full Moon Gathering, Jad El Khoury 16:00 +
Saturday September 28
Public Art at Losæter, next 10 years, Futurefarmers, KHIO Public Art MA, OsloMet MA, 12:00
Tell Then We Were Here: Film Screening @ Caféteatret 17:00
A four-day walk from Losæter to Vestre Aschim farm.
September 19
* Departure at 12pm from Flatbread Society Bakehouse, Losæter, Oslo.
September 23
* Arrival - Vestre Aschim, Brandbu
* Return of the Rye — 12h (Open Farm)
Return of the grains, baking workshop, celebration, music, dancing.
September 14 (5pm-11pm)A sonic enactment of the oven infrastructure of the bakehouse with live moments, tuning energies and open improvisation into diverse electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies with Samvær Under Tilsün, Bård Watn, Rishaug, Eva Bakkeslett, AV.net, Yasi Pera, Julius, Mia & Ramona and planète concrète.
Bring your voice + instruments or sync realtime to Ramona.
Tandoor becomes a Portal
September 15 (12pm-3pm)An antenna rises above the bakehouse. Performances, arrivals, and preparations for Further on to Land
Masking Migratory with Alexander Slotten + Futurefarmers
Tandoor as an Oven with Bakelag
September 16 (12pm-6pm)A continuum of bakers from near and far gather to share their recipes, techniques and songs. Lefse, naan, tortilla, cracker, injera, pita, arepa, lavash.. An awakening of the Bakehouse tandoor and takke and a go at rolling out many sorts of flatbreads.
Connective Performance: Semiotics of Food by Sarah Kazmi.
The artist group Svartjord, will be will be hosting this years fifth Flatbread Society Full Moon Gathering.
Founded in Oslo in 2014 its name 'Svartjord' (Mollisol) refers to the nutrient-rich soil found in the most fertile agricultural areas on earth. Each of Svartjord’s projects represents an artistic ecosystem where the given conditions provide fertile ground for the artistic work.
Ecology, spatial interventions, urbanity, and collectivity are central for the group’s ethos. Svartjord explores a wide spectrum of spatial conditions and has collaborated with different artists and institutions during the last four years.
"The Beak Doctor welcomes the perceptive attention of poets, playwrights and philosophers, but he does not want his work to be viewed merely as reflecting fashionable polemics about estrangement, irrationality and despair, and he refuses to be held up as the avatar of the topical Post-human Existential mindset in modern sculpture and painting.
To him, this is a distraction from what really matter; he wants to make it clear that it is far more important to understand the essential physicality of labour, the fact that it connects with art of the most distant past, and at the same time are deeply embedded in our experience of modern life."
What does it mean to be left-out? What does it mean to live in the condition of the left-out, of the misplaced, of the non-fitting? What is specific to that and could be used as a sense of belonging?
Artists and researchers Sarah Kazmi, Lucia Fiorani and Maïna Joner hosted this years third Flatbread Society Full Moon Gathering. They used visual, digital and performative tools to expand on their current research at Losaeter, Flatbread Society, focusing on the meaning of left-out.
Sarah, Lucia and Maïna are currently studying MFA in Art and Public Space at KHiO.
Anne Cecilie Lie hosted this year's second Full Moon Gathering. She presented research and preliminary sketches for her master project in scenography.
Sound can be a shared or personal space, highly ephemeral and physical at the same time, a problem and a cure, an alternative landscape, opening up new possibilities and fabulations. Two third of all the species on this planet is not seen with the naked eye, and thus can be more easily ignored, or underestimated. Sound can open up unseen landscapes and build ephemeral, heterotopic and utopic worlds.
Food with a tentacular touch and inspired by the Full Moon was served, combining the flatbread inspired (spherical) moon-shape of the pancake with the tentacular communication networks of the mycelium and its tasty fruits; mushrooms.
The art practice and dark-ecological service provider Oslo Apiary & Aviary, will host this years first Flatbread Society Full Moon Gathering, in the form of a Death Café.
The dialogue will be facilitated by artists Marius Presterud and Mikkel Dagestad. Coffee and biscuits will be served. There will also be a pre-showing of theme-related work in progress, by Marius Presterud.
(Human) Extinction will serve as the evenings sub-topic. That is, not how to avoid it, but the coming human extinction through ecological collapse as suggested fact. What would this death entail? How was our run? What comes after? Are we technically zombies? What does it mean to live in a post-sustainable moment? How does this ongoing near-death experience affect and transmute our every day lives?
Winter arrived in Oslo and the bakehouse closed up till Spring, when we will continue the development of the interior and social framework in dialogue and close collaboration with anyone who gets involved.
Bundle up and get cozy !!
Artist and researcher Erik Sjödin along with artist and craftist Linus Ersson hosted another Full Moon Gathering. For the occasion Erik Sjödin and Linus Ersson cooked and served soup from vegetables harvested at Losæter. Using both ancient and contemporary techniques, materials, and methods the artists explored connections between fire, pottery, agriculture, and cooking.
The soup was cooked on a mobile wood fired rocket stove kitchen which is part of “We Still Carry the Fire”, a project in which Erik Sjödin explores various human relationships to fire by creating opportunities for social interaction and cooking using fire.
The soup was served in clay bowls produced by Linus Ersson especially for the Full Moon Gathering. Ersson imagined how the first prehistoric clay bowls may have looked like, how they were made and why. The bowls were left as a contribution to the Losæter commons.
Food Studio will host the Full Moon Gathering on October 5th, where we celebrate the first Full Moon of the Autumn: the Harvest Moon. Come and enjoy the magical ambiance with us.
This event is free and open for all.
Andreas Ervik hosted a workshop for brewing fermented soda, Coca Cola Living, the first consumer-made Coca Cola product, whereby each production is unique. The soda was made with ancient techniques of spontaneous fermentation and carbonization, utilizing the bacteria and yeast that exist in the air and on our bodies. Hope you went to taste your microbes!
A very slow radio show that offers listeners the opportunity to listen to the soundscapes at Losaeter; between city and nature, land and sea, cars and boats, plants and bread.
'Ragghio' is a project by Etienne Gernez and Mads Pålsrud.
This day will be a day of demonstrating and imagining the everyday life of Losæter. A group of individuals will produce food and tools and perform everyday rituals, both planned and spontaneous. Cheese-making with goats milk, experimental flatbread baking, herb harvesting and drying, creams and ointments making and whittling. People are welcome to join in the activities, or bring their own "sæter" activities, tools and stories.
'Urban Pastures' is a project by Herbanists + GrowLab.
Photo credit: Nina Sahraoui
An interpretation of Flatbread Society's Declaration of Land Use. Textiles will serve as sculptures and performance props for a week, before transitioning to a life as functional hand towels and washing cloths in the Bakehouse.
'Leverage on Leafage' is a project by Oslo Apiary & Aviary.
Photo credit: Oslo Apiary & Aviary
A refocus on Losæter as a contra-productive slow space, over the course of 24 hours, from sunrise 'til sunrise.
Upon the roof of the Bakehouse, there will be daytime nude sunbathing and an exhibition of towels, and nighttime, sleeping with an exhibition of blankets.
'Sun Deck/Moon Deck' is a project by Oslo Apiary & Aviary.
Photo credit: Michael Behrens and Oslo Apiary & Aviary.
Lefse, naan, tortilla, cracker, injera, pita, arepa, lavash. An awakening of the Bakehouse wood oven, tandoor and takke and a go at rolling out many sorts of flatbreads.
'How do you say flatbread?' is a project by Food Studio Collective with Nina Sahraoui.
Human Scarecrows’ series of visual art performances will suggest rituals allowing a dialogue with the birds to prevent them from eating the seeds or destroying the field. Rather than chasing them away, we aim to engage a dialogue and distract them by any means: they will be the true spectators. All the performances and actions use alternative technologies as a source of power and will be activated in between sunsets and sunrises.
Scarecrows expected on site are ...
Ethan Rafal • Det Elektriske Korps • Oslo Apiary & Aviary • ronnie s • WeAreWorms • Daniela Müller, Maria Belic & Per Westerlund • Aksel Høgenhaug • Kimvi Nguyen • Dimitri Lurie and Vera Mokhova
Every day between June 9 and 17 at 5pm.
'Human Scarecrows 2.0 is a project by Hanan Benammar / Vandaler Forening.
In School Dinners Tenthaus Oslo´s regular participants from Hersleb High School will prepare a meal with Kunstkantina art project.
School Dinners aims to create an equation between the transformations of seeds and the individual potential released during educational processes. By creating a meal with own grown ingredients, Kunstkantina and the participants bring the Tenthaus philosophy of "learning by doing" into transformative action.
Tenthaus Oslo´s participants planted seeds that pushed up soil in Tenthaus Oslo project room. They will later be transplanted to Losæter to grow during the summer months. During the autumn harvest of the vegetables, the participants will cook a meal and prepare pickled vegetables for guests who will be invited for a School Dinners at the Bakehouse. Kunstkantina will also prepare pickled vegetables to give us sustenance throughout a cold and dark Northern winter.
At 4:30pm on June 9th, Kunstkantina will present their culinary project, and plans for the meal and pickling and open to discussion about our relationship to food generally.
'School Dinners' is a Tenthaus Oslo collaboration with Kunstkantina
From June 3 to 30, a moving, waving construction on top of the Bakehouse – turning by the winds, a flag. This work uses microbial cellulose as material, grown by the use of bacterial culture. The flag-construction embodies a vision of a fixed point in the midst of changing external forces. Microbial cellulose as fabric can be seen as a radical element – not made by human hands or machines. “Woven” by microorganisms it represents a non-anthropocentric twist to the human idea of marking one ́s territory and its internal values.
'Winds (New Flag)' is a project by Jørund Aase Falkenberg.
Oslo Apiary & Aviary hosted the second FMG of 2017 called 'Common Prospects'. Soup and flatbread were served. Additionally there was a poetry performance supplemented by edible and carnivorous sculptural elements. The rising moon, seas and property prices formed the backdrop for this gathering.
Herbanists hosted the first Full Moon Gathering of 2017 called "Cosmic Commons". Liv på Mars (aka Liv Santos dub-side studio) performed her sound and video art, and herbal refreshments were served in an atmosphere of magical ambiance.
Winter arrived in Oslo and the bakehouse closed up till Spring, when we will continue the development of the interior and social framework in dialogue and close collaboration with anyone who gets involved. Please stay tuned for details and in the mean time feel free to read more about its form, history, ... accompanied with some nice photographs.
September 16, 2016 — 17:00
Gather on the water!
September 17, 2016 — 12:00
Depart with Christiania
Sailboats canoes, kayaks and all floating vessels.
Come to the waterfront and surround RS10 Christiania, before she departs for her one-year Seed Journey.
JOIN US for one hour or several days!
Seed Journey is a seafaring voyage that carries ancient grains to their historic sites of domestication. A rotating crew of artists and researchers will sail from Oslo to Istanbul for one year on board RS10 Christiania, an 1895 wooden rescue sailboat.
More info here
Despite our efforts to ward off any feathered creatures with Human Scarecrows, the grain field is now home to hundreds of seed eating friends. On this day where the moon will raise as a full circle in the sky, we will select small handfuls of seeds from this year’s harvest to be threshed and packaged for both our Seed Journey and Bakehouse storage.
More info here.
As a reflection of five different cultures, we will bake five different types of bread using the same ingredient together with baker Emanuel Rang during Oslo Architecture Triennale, the Nordic region’s biggest architecture festival, and one of the world’s important arenas for dissemination and discussion of architectural and urban challenges.
The birds had a party in the grainfield and in order to save the rest we will harvest and hang it to dry in the bakehouse. Some of the grain will be used as seed next year and some are joining the Flatbread Society's Seed Journey leaving September 17.
During a design charrette for an upcoming exhibition on Food Justice next year, Stijn and three other guests (Sita Bhaumik, David Wilson and April Banks) were invited to work with he museum's exhibit development team in a series of exercises serving as jumping off points for how to think about exhibit experiences. A part of the program Stijn presented Flatbread Society and its alignment with the planned exhibit.
Amy was one of the many guest speakers at Action City, a Summer School featuring architects, artists, designers and urban thinkers-doers at Losæter in Bjørvika, Oslo. On this new, visionary commons in Bjørvika, an action based program bridging design, architecture and activism became the framework for exploring socially aware and participatory methodologies in city making – together. The camp aimed at promoting discourse and explored playful strategies on how to fill our public spaces with life and meaning.
Developed in collaboration with E5 Bakehouse in Hackney, Amy Franceschini ran a talk & workshop on our Seed Journey project, which moves people, ideas and seeds upon an 1895, Colin Archer rescue sailboat from Oslo to Istanbul.
Invited guests included Mike Ambrose, Senior Scientist in Crop Genetics from the John Innes Centre in Norwich and Andrew Forbes, founder of Brockwell Bake, who will discuss different approaches to seed diversity.
Seeds of Time is part of The Politics of Food: Markets and Movements programme of residencies and events at Delfina Foundation, which runs from July – September 2016.
We activated the exhibition space and harbor at Henie Onsted Kunstsenter with a series of actions in preparation for their seafaring journey, Seed Journey.
A three-day journey from Losæter, Oslo to the Henie Onstad Art Center in Bærum. This walk connected these two sites via the coastline. At once a commons and a site of rapid enclosure, this coastline was activated by a group of bodies as a means to keep it free and open and inline with Norway’s, “all mans right to roam”: allemannsretten.
Conceived by Futurefarmers, in collaboration with Oslo Apiary & Aviary, Marianne Reusch, Camilla Lanton, Cecilie Dawes, Runa Klock, Britt Kornum, Caroline Hargreaves and Øyvind Egeland.
Levitation of structures from the ground and seeds into the earth.
5:00pm — Performances: Seed Sowing & Human Scarecrows
8:30pm — Potluck: Bring friends & a dish of food to share.
As the first beams of our bakehouse reached up to the sky, so did the arms of a dedicated group who have been shaping this space since 2012. The Flatbread Society Grain Field was planted in the form of the navigational constellation Boötes, also known as the Shepherd, and each star in the constellation was expressed as a circle on the field. In response, Human Scarecrows suggested performative rituals allowing a dialogue with the birds.
More info HERE.
From May 21 till May 29, Vandaler forening is organized Human Scarecrows in parallel to Into the Ground and Up To the Sky, marking the raising of our Bakehouse. Over the course of a week Human Scarecrows suggested performative rituals allowing a dialogue with the birds.
Futurum was an exhibition and a lecture program that presented a selection of artists who reflect on or are concretely working on legislation and other active measures which aim to preserve the most fundamental elements to our existence on earth: seeds, soil, air, water.
We did it!
In collaboration with the Norwegian Farmers Union, we have hired a full time farmer. It is a great honor to be able to channel public art funds into a job for a farmer.
This March, we formed a board and a trust. The diversity of knowledge and skills held among the members of this trust will ensure a durable foundation for our path ahead.
Each member has agreed upon a charter to follow and at the heart of this was a consensus that Losæter shall be referred to and developed as a“cultural institution” dedicated to art and urban agriculture. This language provoked a generative discussion among the group that resulted in the farmers union stating that “this is the most creative thing we have done in 100 years."
February 2 and 3, 2015.
Community members joined Marius Presterud from Oslo Apiary and Mads Pålsrud from Growlab Oslo to imagine possibilities for an alternative economy at Losæter, as we were part of a seminar/workshop Beyond Money at Sentralen, together with our friends at Cultura Bank, OuiShare and more.
Workshop Description:
How do complementary currencies unlock the value creation and help us reach the goals we aim for in our society?
Our Soil Procession video and poster are being featured in Agitprop!, an exhibition that connects contemporary art devoted to social change with historic moments in creative activism, highlighting activities that seek to motivate broad and diverse publics.
The exhibition runs from December 11, 2015 till August 7, 2016.
Building on the success of the Market Street Prototyping Festival held last spring, the Central Market Showcase brought back a collection of projects for one month that tests ideas for improving San Francisco’s main thoroughfare. Believing that artists and designers can be provocative agents in helping us to reimagine our cities, the Studio for Urban Projects created Outpost as a way of helping us to claim Market Street in this crucial moment.
We joined them for a community workshop where we baked bread and discussed alternative economies.
Gathered around the fire, we ate porridge and enjoyed each other and the company of the full moon. Most likely this was the last chance to have a full moon experience of the installation "Portal (Bjørvika)" by Jørund Aase Falkenberg before the Old Man Winter visits us.
An introduction to Seed Journey, a project around reverse migration of seeds between Oslo and northern Turkey on one of the «rescue boats» built by Colin Archer; and conceived of as an act of resistance against the protection of intellectual rights in the domain of biology.
Futurefarmers was invited to Cagliari Sardinia to enact Flatbread Society in a public square in Sant’Elia neighborhood. Two public bread ovens were built in collaboration with Revolvèr & Progetto B.A.R.E.G.A.
On August 28, a procession of people, music and bread moved from Lazaretto through the surrounding neighborhood, marina and across blockades along the waterfront. Bread was given away and passerby were invited back to the public square for a feast and more bread.
On June 13, 2015 a procession of farmers carried soil from their farms through the city of Oslo to its new home at Losæter. Soil Procession was a GROUND BUILDING ceremony that used the soil collected from over 50 Norwegian farms from as far north as Tromsø and as far south as Stokke, to build the foundation of the Flatbread Society Grain Field and Bakehouse. A procession of soil and people through Oslo drew attention to this historical, symbolic moment of the transition of a piece of land into a permanent stage for art and action related to food production.
Documentation and additional info can be found HERE.
With many hands and many bricks we build a new foundation for Flatbread Society and Bakehouse Bjørvika; as we gathered, shared bricks, lay foundation, toasted, and celebrated the formal beginning of Flatbread Society, Losæter and Bakehouse Bjørvika.
The exhibition 'Food Shelter Clothing' explores themes embedded in theses topics and will extend the conversation to consider different social, political, and cultural dimensions. How are basic needs met, exceeded, interpreted, and challenged through the creative endeavors of artists and their audiences?
In conjunction with 'Food, Shelter, Clothing' and in collaboration with Daniel Tucker, the Flatbread Society 'Grain Pit' will be installed in the lobby of Republic Bank in Louisville where a series of public programs about food and economy — Moving Units — will take place.
This newly commissioned work, a seed-filled mast that emerges from the floor of the gallery and extends through the roof, conjures an image of the Flatbread Society 'Seed Voyage'. Anchored in Oslo, Norway, this voyage — its crew and cargo — are agents that link the commons as they relate to local networks and a more global complex of seed savers and stewards of the land.
For the exhibtion 'Left Coast: California Political Art', the triad Audrey Snyder, Joe Riley and Amy Franceschini has assembled to provision for this journey with an aligned interest in the international exchange of ideas towards educational goals and political change.
A Full Moon Gathering was organized at the future site of the Flatbread Society Bakehouse and Grain Field on February 3, 2015. People gathered around the fire to share stories from the old Norwegian calendar — the Primstav, eat food and enjoy each other and the company of the Full Moon.
The Food as Thought symposium offered contemporary viewpoints on the nature of farming and agriculture, our changing relationship to grains, and the commodity of natural resources.
The discussion addressed questions surrounding intellectual property, including: When does food become a law and a commodity? How did using heritage grains become an expression of resilience and biodiversity within the pressing issues of food security, intellectual property, and land use? Has our food lost its ecological identity? Further topics focused on the history of food and food law, including biotechnology.
Invited guests included Dr. Lawrence Busch, University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and at Michigan State University; Dr. Tara McDowell, Associate Professor and Director of Curatorial Practice at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia; Claire Pentecost, artist; and Amy Franceschini, artist. Moderated by Alison Gass, Show Curator and Creator of the Land Grant project.
Part of Open Outcry.
Held outside in the museum's sculpture garden, flatbread artists joined local chefs, farmers, and other specialists in a discussion about what we make, how we make it, and what inspired the methodology.
Discussion topics included the alchemy of bread making and distilling spirits, small-scale farming and the process of distributing food from farm to table, as well as agrarian mythology and folklore.
Flatbread Society sees material encounters as tools for resisting the ongoing pressure to standardize our lives, and attempts to connect us back to actual forms of making and the knowledge such forms impart.
Part of Open Outcry.
Artist Amy Franceschini led a conversation about the exhibition at 6 PM, followed by a threshing party and live music from Vetiver and members of the Lansing Unionized Vaudeville Spectacle at 7 PM.
Part of Open Outcry.
Boris Portnoy led a workshop on bread mixing, proofing, and baking in our brand new tandoor oven in the museum's sculpture garden.
Part of Open Outcry. Space is limited. RSVP to morri391@msu.edu to reserve your spot!
Public program — October 9 through 12
The term “open outcry” describes a method of communication between professionals on a board of trade. It involves both shouting and the use of specific hand signals to communicate buying and selling on the trading floor, also known as, the pit.
Flatbread Society at the Broad MSU appropriates the term “Open Outcry” as the name for its public programming in an effort to evoke a series of spirited dialogues from different viewpoints on the nature of farming and agriculture, our changing relationship to grains, and the commodity of natural resources.
As the potato season in Herligheten came to an end, people came together to harvest, eat and enjoy this incredible vegetable. The potatoes gathered from Hengsengen and Alm Østre had grown strong and nutritious over the summer, so a a delicious mead was served and a lovely meal cooked up!
— Presented together with Oslo Apiary and Growlab Oslo —
A constellation of bright thinkers and practitioners came together on the first day of October, 2014 to share knowledge and expertise around Farmers' Rights, Land Use, Soil and Seed Saving. On this day a working document describing a land use agreement for Loallmenningen in Bjørvika will be created.
Drawing from the Norwegian word “Allmenning” (which defines an area of land that is put aside by the state for recreational activities; it also defines an area that is in private or official ownership, where others than the owner have rights to use the area, for example, traditionally allowing livestock to graze on the land) we will work together on this day to establish an “Agrarian Land Trust” that defines Loallmenningen as a site that can support a dynamic ecology of practices connected to the production healthy food; soil, cultivation, distribution, tending, knowledge production and freedom to save and distribute seeds.
We wish to define this ecology together and create a language that will allow us to enact and demonstrate for a term of 100 years.
Situations presents the second in its Public Art (Now) live event bringing Flatbread Society to Bristol, where we'll discuss the possibilities of urban food production and bring a proposition to create a permanent site dedicated to grain production and baking on Oslo’s converted waterfront.
Keep a look out as our mobile oven will set sail from Bristol’s harbourside on Thursday, July 10th as a prelude.
Get involved as we fire up the oven and bake flatbread together.
Get under the skin of two art projects which have used bread-making, community baking and food production as an alternative approach to urban redevelopment. Join Flatbread Society and Homebaked Cooperative Anfield, Liverpool - a community bakery and social enterprise kickstarted by artist Jeanne van Heeswijk - to explore how such a project begins. How do artistic integrity and economic sustainability work together in such projects? How is the energy of participants and co-producers sustained beyond the first series of events? And, what happens when the artist leaves?
On June 13, 2014, Flatbread Society will assemble in Loallmenningen, Bjørvika near the big towers. This gathering will celebrate a coming together of Herlegheiten and Flatbread Society on the land surrounding these towers. We have many things to celebrate. Especially, we will celebrate that a permanent site for Bakehouse Bjørvika has been secured and a large area of land around it will be used to grow ancient grains and food! For this gathering we will mark the site of the Bakehouse, plant grain, sow flora around the periphery and celebrate our friend the moon.
This gathering will be open to all and we hope to cast this announcement far and wide. So spread the word, pollinate! We will bake and eat and move our bodies. We hope for music, so do let us know if you will be coming and what you might bring.
A gathering of artists investigating alternative models of food production as the transformation of raw ingredients into food accelerates global warming and remains the leading factor in the destruction of biodiversity, a boost for chemical pollution and eroded soils.
The theme of the seventh Burning Ice Festival was the genetic technologies approach to world food issues and the agro-ecological alternative that centers on resilience and biodiversity.
Flatbread Society together with Didier Demorcy (farmer/artist) Kwint Manshoven + Joke Laureyns (dancers/choreographers), Stef Heeren (musician) baked flatbread together with participants from the festival, using grain from Didier's farm.
This was the first of several related programs in conjunction with the Land Grant: Flatbread Society project at the Broad Art Museum.
Sergei Eisenstein’s The General Line (Old and New) started off as a celebration of the collectivization of Soviet agriculture and was created for the purpose of persuading such communities to adapt to modern methods of machinery. Eisenstein’s associative montages and erotic undercurrents prevail as he traces the agrarian customs of the 19th century to the more mechanized ways of the 20th century. For their live score performance, Chicago-based electronic quartet Dhalgren composed an improvisational structure played alongside The General Line, using Eisenstein's own suggestions for musical accompaniment as a jumping-off point.
Flatbread Society's Mobile Oven and telescope rolling pin were part of an exhibition looking at food today through the work of 29 contemporary artists, among whom the subject has had growing importance. It revolved around three primary topics: healthful eating; food and community; and food issues.
A culmination of one month of Flatbread Society, where the community joined us for a celebration of the sun and the future Bakehouse Bjørvika. People brought instruments, dough, games food, drinks and wood to feed the fire!
14:00 — Open oven session and celebration preparations.
16:00 — Closing reception for Pfelder's The Isle (in collaboration with Tenthaus Oslo)
18:00 — Celebration began with a first round of Flatbread baking
21:00 — Lighting the fire
21:30 and onwards:
- Musical performances
- Planetary dance
- Astronomical explorations with a sun telescope with local astronomers
- A toast with Rediscovered Rye Water
- Celebrating the bread, grains and practice of Johan and Kristin
During day two, we produced bread from ancient grains. Our many hands did shape and guide the dough, but the fire of the oven determined the final shape and outcome...
More info and sign-up here.
Day one of a two-day, hands on workshop included milling, baking and eating. As we learned the history and currents of these ancient grains, we witnessed culture rise before our eyes.
More info and sign-up here.
During World Refugee Day, we baked and shared flatbread at IKM, while we gathered international bread stories and co-imagined Bakehouse Bjørvika.
What are the rituals, celebrations and currents of the new agrarian movement closely linked with notions of local, slow food movements developing around the world? How can the job of growing food be a way of life with ethical, social and environmental implications? We joined artist Eva Bakkeslett and participants from the University of Oslo’s Transformation in a Changing Climate conference in a hands-on bread-making workshop to contemplate agrarian folklore, rituals, and celebrations as related to the pressing issue of climate change.
Part I: Alternative Economies
Economists, transition citizens, business owners and cooperatives were invited to co-define and imagine possible economic structures for Bakehouse Bjørvika; barter, work shares, etc.
Part II: Form and Function
Architects, experience designers, spatial thinkers and bakers were invited to co-define and imagine the spatial organization and potential functions of Bakehouse Bjørvika.
More info and documentation can be found here.
A program of campfire, short films, baking, music and workshops related to our long relation with fire. The boat-oven was docked for the evening for all to make flatbread, share recipes and contemplate flatbread.
19:00 Shadow Play
20:00 Screening of "Ring of Fire"
21:00 Campfire Concert
+ UKS Bookshelf Screening: "Woodswoman" by Vanessa Renwick
Participatory research workshop for artists, architects, city planners, farmers, urban gardeners and others interested in using history as a source and inspiration to create for today. A rare chance to have access to a wide range of materials related to the history and culture of grains, bread and our long human relation with them, as it can be experienced in Oslo.
More info and sign-up here.
This was the first evening of the Grain Power workshop. Workshop participants gathered informally to learn about the Flatbread Society and Bakehouse Bjørvika as it relates to the Oslo City Archive workshop on June 11, 2013.
We learned the basic steps and process for vegetable fermentation; and took home a glass of young ferments to finish in our own kitchen.
Summer is here and that means lots of delicious vegetables to be eaten and enjoyed. In this informal workshop you will learn how to turn this years harvest into tasty and extremely nutritious food. Traditionally fermented foods are a great source of healthy bacteria, vitamins, minerals, and can improve digestion.
Please bring with you a glass container (Norges glass or similar size/shape), a cutting board, knife and/or a grater, a bowl, some vegetables (preferably organic), some sea salt and a few herbs. All vegetables can be fermented! Cabbage, carrots, onions, kale, squash, radishes and beans are only some suggestions.
Organized by Siri Mittet
An open invitation to come bake bread and contribute to the story of the Flatbread Society. Together we formed a narrative and drew relations between flatbread, the cosmos, soil and the imagination of the festival.
An open invitation to come bake bread and contribute to the story of the Flatbread Society. Together we formed a narrative and drew relations between flatbread, the cosmos, soil and the imagination of the festival.
Ancient, non-GMO grains were broadcasted by hand on an open field in Herligheten, Bjørvika; rye, wheat, barley, emmer, spelt, durum, kamut, einkorn and oats.
With Network for GMO-free Food & Seed, Oslo.
Speaking at the event:
Ellen Øseth (SV), State Secretary/Ministry of Environment, Amy Fanceschini, artist, Futurefarmers, Nils T. Birch, Head, Norwegian Farmers' Union, Dagrun Eriksen, Member of Parliament, CDP, Andreas Viestad, food writer
More info here
Flatbread was served and people brought toppings to share.
A moment to look at the diversity that exists beneath our feet, and the patchwork of organic material that makes up our urban soil landscape. Soil scientist, Erik Joner demonstrated the wonders of soil and issues concerning food production within cities; soil contamination and building healthy soil. Topics explored included reading landscapes, legal regulations, topsoil and composting.
More info and sign-up here.
Students from Sofienberg school in conjunction with Tenthaus Oslo made flatbreads and shared recipes from Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Morocco and Afghanistan.
A participatory building project to raise three different kinds of wood-fired bread ovens. Active building sessions and moments of reflection were held over the course of three days in collaboration with Futurefarmers and oven builder Sten Sjöstrand. People dropped in and out as much as they pleased and could join us daily for a cup of fresh homemade soup and flatbread.
A participatory building project to raise three different kinds of wood-fired bread ovens. Active building sessions and moments of reflection were held over the course of three days in collaboration with Futurefarmers and oven builder Sten Sjöstrand. People dropped in and out as much as they pleased and could join us daily for a cup of fresh homemade soup and flatbread.
A christening ceremony for the Flatbread Society's Mobile Bread Oven. To mark the beginning of its life, we named and blessed the vessel before it launched into the fjørd. Afterwards we drifted toward the Kindergarten in Sørenga.
We learned how to build a wood-fired tandoor oven. After a brief introduction we divided tasks and got to work. A range of techniques and other types of ovens were discussed during lunch. The day ended with an active building session, clean-up and an evaluation.
More info and sign-up here.
Flatbread Society’s Mobile oven went drifting through Oslo and peripheral areas to connect current projects and actors; farms, archives, bakeries, libraries, homes, restaurants, etc.
Flatbread Society’s Mobile oven went drifting through Oslo and peripheral areas to connect current projects and actors; farms, archives, bakeries, libraries, homes, restaurants, etc.
A participatory building project to raise three different kinds of wood-fired bread ovens. Active building sessions and moments of reflection were held over the course of three days in collaboration with Futurefarmers and oven builder Sten Sjöstrand. People dropped in and out as much as they pleased and could join us daily for a cup of fresh homemade soup and flatbread.
We learned how to cut bricks, mix fireproof mortar, lay bricks and much more while constructing a wood fired dome oven. After a brief introduction, tasks were divided and construction began. A range of techniques and other types of ovens were discussed during lunch. The day ended with an active building session, clean-up and an evaluation.
More info and sign-up here.
On March 23, 2013 Flatbread Society and Boris Portnoy's Satellite Republic baked bread on the stoop in front of The Workshop Residency. Participants enjoyed a short play, an assortment of flatbreads and received a Flatbread Society linen apron.